Gold Coast Honey

  25 Hammond Dr, Gaven QLD 4211



100% pure, unadulterated, locally produced HONEY - Gold Coast Honey

We are a micro producer of 100% pure, unadulterated raw honey from the Gold Coast. Our honey is a seasonal, mixed-blossom blend that has a consistent rich flavour. It is premium quality and tastes amazing because: It is not heat treated, thus retaining the enzymes, antibacterial & other health properties; Our bees are never fed sugar syrup or other substitutes so the honey is made only from nectar of a variety of native blossoms; Nothing is added to 'water it down'; No chemicals are used anywhere near the bees or equipment; Hives are under-extracted so the bees have plenty for themselves; and Hives are in permanent locations so the bees are not put under the pressure of travel. We believe in a local and organic future of food production where good food shouldn't cost the earth, so we sell our honey at a very fair price, and support the local economy wherever possible. We also remove swarms for free (if we can)! Please contact us for our address, and to arrange a time for purchases. Mitch & Faith