Steps To Change




Home - Leah Marshall Marmulla

My name is Leah Marshall-Marmulla, Author, Personal Change Coach, founder of the RecliamME! Programs, podcaster and writer. I help adults face their Crossroads moments. Situations that create feelings of overwhelm, and confusion, trigger deeper fears and insecurities. Leah has many tools in her toolkit to support your self-empowerment. When you engage with Leah, you have the option to choose Hypnotherapy, Guided meditations, talk therapy, EFT and more. Each program and service is designed to increase your self-awareness, re-writing your limiting stories, and face your fears with compassion. The result is you choose what to believe, who you choose to be, and stand for your values. The reward is, that You Create Your Life on Your Terms! #mentalhealth #confidence #definingyourlife Links to access her services, online programs and books Leah has authored. Invitation to her Community page, at